Sunday, September 29, 2013

What Casey Grenet Could Whip Up for The Food Network

Self proclaimed Foodie seeks to spice up your marketing tools
I have created this Pinterest board just for YOU!

My Story
Food is my passion. I love celebrating life with food. What I love most about cooking is creating new and delicious dishes that reflect my own personality. Cooking is a great way to express myself and my personal taste. More importantly, food is a great communicator because it is a unifying bond that we all share. Food brings people together.

Why is food so special? 

How Food Makes Me Feel
Food comforts me when I’m sad, energizes me when I’m tired, and nourishes me when I’m hungry. Above all, food is a celebration of love and life. Sharing a meal with someone is one of the nicest things you can do. Some of the best conversations take place while sharing food with friends and family.

I’m a communicator
Communication is my specialty. I love expressing my feelings about food. Just as creating a culinary masterpiece requires knowledge of what ingredients work well together, communicating a message to an audience requires the right combination of skills, and I possess those skills. I can use the power of social media to build brand loyalty, engage followers, and increase your ROI.

These are my tools
Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram and Flickr are the tools needed to communicate in the world of social media.  They are important ingredients in an effective Integrated Marketing Communication plan. Let me use my passion for food and knowledge of social media to bring a whole new audience to the Food Network.

Contact me for a demonstration of how my skills as a social media professional can take the Food Network to new heights.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Blogs: My Top 5

Blogs are becoming increasingly more popular in our society. A blog is a great medium to use to interact with followers and share ideas and information with others. According to eMarketer, by 2014 over 150 million Americans will be reading blogs (http://  Therefore, it’s important for brands and companies to use blogs as part of an IMC plan  to reach their target audience. But not all blogs are created equal. There are specific characteristics that characterize successful blogs. According to Collier (2009), successful blogs publish new content frequently, maintain a presence on various social sites, write fresh content, and provide sharing options on social media sites ( ). I have chosen to review five blogs that interest me and analyze their format and content to highlight factors that make them successful.

Whole Foods Market blog is a professional blog. Its purpose is to inform followers about different products, share information about eating and living healthy, and shares recipes and information about healthy food in general. The blog is unique because it focuses on eating healthy and showcases products sold in the store. The blog reflects the brand because its message is about enjoying a healthy lifestyle by using organic and natural products. Whole Foods website drives traffic to the blog. The website has rotating headlines with a link to the blog. Whole Foods also drives traffic to the blog through its other social media sites, by emails, and by newsletters, which are part of their IMC plan. Based on Collier’s (2009) characteristics, Whole Foods blog is successful since it posts new and original content everyday. The blog contains social share buttons, and readers can connect with the brand on multiple social networks. Per Young (2011), a successful blog uses pictures and images and offers solutions (  This blog does use images and videos and gives readers solutions for how to eat healthy.  However, I think the images on the blog could be better quality. I did not see any outside companies advertising on the blog, but Whole Foods does showcase products they carry.

Zappos Fashion Culture blog is also a professional blog. The purpose of the blog is to feature trendy fashion items that are sold at the online site. It’s a unique blog because its main focus is fashion and giving customers information about what’s in fashion. The blog reflects the brand because it is fun, simple, and trendy. It offers a service to its customers by showcasing different items and fashion trends. The website drives traffic to the blog, and Zappos does have a IMC plan that includes social media sites, email, and ads in magazines. People want to read the blog because they are short, fun, and full of great pictures. Based on Collier’s (2009) characteristic of a successful blog, this blog is successful since it posts several times a day, and the content varies from spotlights on new designers and new brands to fashion tips. According to Young (2011), grabbing the reader’s attention with interesting headlines is a great tip to use for a successful blog, and Zappos does this well. An example of a headline that caught my attention is “Inspired By: Cozy in the City.” The varied content and great images help make this a successful blog. However, per Collier (2009), a successful blog has social buttons and options to connect to other sites and Zappos only has a Facebook button on this blog. Zappos could improve their blog by including a link to their Twitter account. Zappos advertises the products they sell on this blog.

Nuts About Southwest is a professional blog. Its purpose is to inform people about what’s going on inside Southwest Airlines and to interact with the brand. This blog is unique because it gives readers an inside view of the company. This blog reflects the brand because it’s funny and reflects the unique sense of humor that Southwest Airlines projects to its customers. The Southwest website drives traffic to the blog. The blog is just one part of their IMC strategy that includes email, social media, TV, etc. They use SEO to rank high on search engines. People read the blog because it connects them to the brand. This blog contains many of the characteristics mentioned by Collier (2009) including new content, original content, social share buttons, and links to all their social media sites including Luv Letters, a section with letters from customers. I do think the blog could benefit from higher quality images and photos. I did not see any advertisers on the blog. Potential advertisers could include rental car companies or hotels.

Mashable is a news blog that specializes in digital, social media, business, tech, entertainment, and mobile news. The purpose of the social media blog is to cover the latest news stores about social media and to offer information about what’s going on with different social media platforms. It is a unique blog because it covers the latest developments in social media. It reflects the brand because it’s informative. Its website drives traffic to the main blog which offers viewers different content areas to choose from. Mashable has a presence on all the different social media sites that also drives traffic to the blog. They also send emails to followers. This blog has many of the characteristics mentioned by Collier (2009) including posting new content daily, links to other social media accounts, a presence on the different social media sites, and options for sharing and receiving content. Not only do they have great images, videos and interesting headlines, they interact with their readers by posting questions and requesting comments, all different tips that Young (2011) recommends to follow to have a successful blog. In my opinion, this blog isn’t missing anything. Some advertisers on this blog are Moto X, Seagate Central and Samsung.

Twenty-Something Travel is a semiprofessional blog written by Stephanie Yoden. Its purpose is to tell the adventures of a young woman who has decided to make traveling a priority in her life. She wants to let other people her age know that anyone can choose this kind of lifestyle. The blog is unique because it’s geared towards people in their twenties who would like to enjoy traveling while they’re young. Since the blogger is twenty-something and living out her dream, her site reflects her adventurous spirit. The blogger has a presence on all the social media sites, which bring traffic to her blog. She also writes for US Travel on Per Collier (2009), successful blogs keep content fresh by reviewing products, which this blogger does. On her September 8 post, she reviews some travel products. She does have social share buttons, links to her social media sites, and nice images. In my opinion, her blog could use some videos to provide another form of communication with her readers. UK Travel Videos advertises on her site.

Blogs are a great way to drive traffic to the website, help businesses increase their SEO, and share information with customers. Blogs allow you to communicate with your followers on a more personal level. On other social media sites, short posts are common. On blogs, you are really able to share a large amount of information with your followers so they can get to know your brand or company better.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Starbucks Analysis


Pull techniques on-site: Starbucks has links to its Facebook, Twitter, and My Starbucks Idea. The website contains links to different offers and information on seasonal coffees and sweet treats. One of these links is to the Panama Geisha coffee. Once you click on that link; it brings you to a page that has a sign up link for a newsletter and coupons through email. The website also has headlines and stories that connect to their blogs. On the blogs, the website has links to all their social media platforms.

Push techniques on-site: I did not notice too many push techniques on-site. There is no RSS Feed buttons or section to sign up for emails. They do have a website for the Starbucks Card: that has a popup advertising the Starbucks Reward Card.

Off-site pull techniques: Starbucks advertises on TV and in magazines such as People. They also have AdWords on Google. Starbucks has a sponsored story on Facebook about their partnership with USAID in support of Columbian coffee farmers that was posted on August 27.  They also offer promotions. On their blogs, Twitter, and My Starbucks Idea site, there are buttons to click to get transferred to their other social media sites. Twitter has a section to sign up with an email address to follow Starbucks and request updates.

Off-site push techniques: Starbucks sends email and newsletters. They also have started advertising with pop ups on mobile devises.

From my observations, it appears that Starbucks uses pull marketing on their website and social media sites. They offer followers different opportunities to sign up for email updates, coupons, and newsletters. Starbucks does push marketing through the emails and newsletters. I feel like they really take advantage of word of mouth advertising that comes from their followers both on Facebook and Twitter. The number of comments on their posts is quite high. Their followers seem to be very engaged and loyal.

Content: I have been looking at the Starbucks website for over a week, and I have noticed that they changed some of their informational links and added some new content in that time frame. They do post new content on their Facebook daily. Many times the content includes photos of their beverages. They also post new content on Twitter a few times a day. The tweets vary from in store promotions to touching tweets about enjoying coffee. They also re-tweet tweets from followers. Starbucks My Idea has a lot of fresh content that is generated by the users who are posting their ideas to make Starbucks even better.  Both Starbucks blog and their Shared Values Blog have not had any new content posted for months.

Mobile Friendly: Starbucks is mobile friendly.  Under the Card column on their website, there is a link to mobile apps.  Also, there is an app that can be installed on a cell phone to pay. Starbucks has also created ads that are popping up on mobile devices. These ads are targeted to promoting their new to-go iced coffees. If you click on the ad you must tap it to ‘break the ice.’ After the ice breaks, the three different iced coffee flavors pop up. They also have a button on this site that brings you to the Facebook page and Twitter feed. Starbucks also includes great photos and captions that are easy to read on a mobile device. Their layout is also conducive to clicking on links or looking at posts.

Share Buttons: Starbucks does have share buttons on My Starbucks Idea, Facebook, and on their blog. 

Other Features: Another feature that Starbucks uses on all their different sites is a uniform presentation. Starbucks signature color is green. The color, logos and information are consistent on their website, blogs, and social media channels. They maintain the same font and color scheme. They do present a consistent message on the multiple channels and maintain their brand image with brand imagery, tone of voice, and their message. Their website is easy to navigate and contains a variety of content that is useful to a consumer. It also contains links to their social media channels

Recommendation: I do have a few recommendations for how Starbucks could improve their website. I feel that Starbucks should include links for email updates and RSS feed that are more visible on their website. These links need to be on the initial website page and clearly visible to the user. I also think that their content needs to be updated more frequently on their website, as well as on their blogs. In order to engage the target audience, new content must be provided. Blogs can help improve SEO. Starbucks basically deals with coffee, tea, and specialty beverages. It might be difficult to constantly add new content on such a limited topic, but I think the blogs definitely need to be updated more frequently.  I also think that Starbucks could benefit from having a link that takes customers from their Facebook and Twitter pages directly to their website. Starbucks could also create some contests to attract more users to their website.

Sunday, September 8, 2013


Everyone knows what Starbucks is. There is just about one on every street corner in every major city in the United States. It is a place for people to grab their morning coffee, savor an afternoon snack, or even just pop by for a break from a hectic day at the office. Starbucks is one of the leading coffee chains in the world, and it knows how to keep its customers wanting more! They have an excellent presence on social media and create a fun and exciting environment for people to enjoy on various different social platforms.

Starbucks, in my opinion, has one of the most fun and engaging Facebook pages around.  It has over 35 million likes. Yes, I just said 35 million. Not only are the posts on the page extremely colorful and eye-catching, they also include tons of user-generated content that really seems to show how much people love their products. A majority of the photos on Facebook are user generated, which creates a feeling of customer loyalty.  It shows that the company cares about what their consumers have to say, and they want to make them part of their brand. They post images of fans enjoying coffee and tea while going about their daily lives. They also post special offers and informational posts on how they create some of their specialty coffee drinks. Other posts inform followers of their monthly Now Brewing Hangout where they can join and listen to experts talking about coffee. Starbucks also does a great job at embracing each season to its fullest. They have already started serving their famous pumpkin coffee and serving their delicious pumpkin sweets. They market seasonal items on Facebook with great photos and fun captions that make you want to embrace each season to its fullest by celebrating with a pumpkin coffee or two.  To my surprise, I observed that Starbucks does not post daily. They seems to go a few days without posts, yet they still generate more likes and comments than many other brands that post multiple times a day. This proves that the quality of content, not quantity, is key. From my observations, Starbucks seems to use Facebook to really appeal to their audience through photos, user-generated content, and videos. They use Facebook to appeal visually to their target audience and post relevant content that engages followers. Starbucks also responds to most comments posted followers, which generates an even greater response from other followers.

The official Starbucks Twitter page has over 4 million followers. They repurpose a lot of the same content from Facebook. Content that they do post includes photos and videos used on Facebook, along with responses to fans. They tweet between 3-10 times a day, which is not a lot for such a large and well-known brand. Again, this shows that content quality is important.  Twitter seems to complement Starbucks’ Facebook. Starbucks utilizes Twitter to create conversation with their target audience and maintain their brand.

Starbucks reaches out to its followers on Pinterest as well. Starbucks’ Pinterest account has over 100,000 followers, 1032 pins, and just ten boards. With boards ranging from “Coffee Moments” to “Handcrafted” to  “Mornings,” they sure know how to embrace the world of coffee. Starbucks keeps it clean with only 10 boards. It doesn’t make the page overwhelming, which can sometimes be the case when cluttered with too many boards. Instead, they pin a lot of content but limit it to the 10 boards. Each pin is simply captioned and includes a photo that makes you crave coffee or the experience of drinking coffee. In previous years, Starbucks has also engaged its fans with a contest held on Pinterest enticing fans to create a Pinterest board called “It’s Possible” for a chance to win a coffee machine. A link to the page shows that this was a successful social campaign: Pinterest seems to be used to draw in the customer and make coffee look like an essential and enjoyable part of everyone’s day.

Instagram: Starbucks also uses Instagram to connect with its audience. The images on Instagram are great for creating conversation with viewers.
Starbucks also has a YouTube channel. Their YouTube channel is very informative. As of September 7, their last video posted was one week ago. They have different sections for videos ranging from PSL Anniversary, the journey of coffee, the Verismo, Starbucks giving back to the community, and different jobs at Starbucks. The variety of videos really gives the audience an in depth look at how Starbucks works and operates. Starbucks seems to use YouTube to educate the viewer.

Starbucks Website:
Starbucks also communicates with its customers through its website. Customers can learn all about Starbucks, its products, and what is happening in the Starbucks world. Customers can also shop for Starbucks products on their website, and browse the menu. The website also showcases a video celebrating the 10th anniversary of the PSL.

Starbucks also has a site called My Starbucks Idea where customers can post their innovative ideas for products, experiences, and involvement. People can join in the conversation by posting comments. This site allows customers to feel as if they are contributing to the Starbucks brand.

Starbucks is a growing brand that continues to be an important part of people’s daily lives. Starbucks spends time ensuring that social media is an important part of their brand strategy. This company uses IMC, which delivers a consistent message to the consumer to the different social media platforms. Its followers are definitely part of the marketing experience. Starbucks does a great job of maintaining their brand personality on the different channels. Their brand personality is friendly and playful and their tone is personal. Their brand voice connects with customers on a human level. They promote a lifestyle that portrays coffee and the experience of drinking coffee as an essential part of daily life.

Overall, I think Starbucks does a great job using social. They really understand their consumer and keep people coming back for more.  They do a great job at making the customers feel important by emphasizing the use of user generated content. I think that is one of the things they do best. Their two best social sites are Pinterest and Facebook. Each is used for different reasons, but both appeal to the consumer, and both have great content. They really embrace the quality not quantity rule.  There content appeals to their customers because it promotes their love of coffee and celebrate their common bond. Starbucks definitely increases brand awareness and loyalty. Starbucks uses other channels besides social media to reach their customers and maintain their brand. They email their customers, advertise in magazines and on TV, offer promotions, and send campaign graphics to all the Starbucks locations. Starbucks uses multimedia channels to carry their marketing communications to their target audience. They send a consistent message.  This is one of my favorite commercials from this summer. I think this shows exactly how Starbucks is a brand that tries to be a part of their consumers every day life!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Classic Marketing versus Social Media Marketing

People Involved: Marketing Department v. Social Media Department

My Experience:
Marketing, public relations, and advertising have changed drastically over the past decade. Ten years ago, advertising and marketing consisted mainly of traditional marketing. Bloggers and social media experts did not exist and were most definitely not considered professionals. Press releases were not uploaded to social media sites, and advertising was not instantaneous like it is in today’s world.  Here is a link to an interesting article that demonstrates how PR and marketing have changed over the past 10 years:

During my senior year at Boston University, I was fortunate enough to attain a PR internship at a luxury hotel in Boston. This was my first real world experience mixing my two passions together, public relations and hospitality. One of the important lessons I learned during this internship was that social media played an important role in public relations. Everything we did had some sort of connection to social media. Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram were all essential tools to the PR and marketing team. The PR department, which consisted of a manager and assistants that worked with social media, promoted packages and events on different social media sites. They were always trying to come up with a new and cutting edge marketing strategy to release on social. Everyone on the team used social media, and they worked together to execute strategies. This opened my eyes to the modern day world of PR and marketing, and I loved every bit of it.

During the second half of my senior year, I accepted an internship at another top-notch hotel in Boston. I was the PR intern. During my time there, I saw a different aspect to PR and marketing.  The PR manager worked alone and her strategy was not as social media based. The marketing and PR strategies and executions were on a much smaller scale. She did not try to use social media to enhance PR and marketing or to appeal to a more social savvy audience.

Now that I am a working professional in the PR and marketing world, I have truly entered the world of modern day marketing. My entire agency is social media based. Everything we do involves social, and we are constantly brainstorming ideas on what else we can do to enhance the world of marketing and PR with social media. All of our clients are ready to jump into the social world and depend on us to use our understanding of social media to interact with customers.

Comparing and Contrasting:
Throughout my different experiences in PR and marketing, I have been able to see companies use both classic and social media marketing. In my own opinion, I prefer the new social way to the classic methods. I think that advertising is evolving into a social media based business. Everyone has access to social media, you can reach large audiences with it, and you can create a personal connection with your target audience by using it. I also think it is more cost effective. Social media is a wonderful tool that should be used to its full capacity. That being said, I think we are in a transitional phase where certain people prefer the use of classic methods, while others have fully jumped onto the new social train. We are also in a time where the younger generation is familiar with the new social way, and the older generation has no idea how to use social media. Those people tend to prefer to find out news and information via newspapers, radio, and ads. Since we are in this transitional phase, I think we can use classic methods and new social media together to keep everyone interested.

Both classic and social media marketing are alike in the sense that they are trying to reach a target audience. Both methods are trying to get a message across and connect with the audience. The difference between the two methods is that the new social media method allows businesses to directly connect with the consumer in real time. In classic marketing, the people in the PR department and agencies are involved in marketing. The consumer is on the receiving end and has a passive role. The social media user is involved in social media marketing. This creates a more personalized experience that can be catered to a specific user just by simply commenting back to a post on Facebook or re-tweeting a tweet. It allows marketers to focus on the interests of the user and promotes brand loyalty.  I also feel that there are so many fun and exciting ways to market on social media such as holding contests or personalizing your brand with user generated content. At my job, one of my clients includes a very well known cafe. Each week we try and use at least one user generated photo to try and create a personalized approach to our marketing strategy and make the user part of the experience.

Which approach do you prefer, classic or the new social media marketing?

Availability: During Work Hours v. Permanent

Another great aspect of social media marketing is the fact that you can do it from anywhere at anytime. In classic marketing, advertising can only be done during office hours. Meetings have to be set up, and reaching a target audience is done on a superficial level on a billboard or in an ad in a newspaper, or with a telephone call. With that kind of marketing, it is difficult to be able to work at home or away from the office.

In the world of social media marketing, reaching your target audience on a personal level with a simple comment or post can be done at any time of the day and at any location. As I stated above, the agency that I work for is social media based. There are many instances where co-workers or myself receive a notification, message, or post that needs to be responded to rather quickly. It is not detrimental if it is not responded to right away, but it adds a personal touch when we respond quickly. It is extremely convenient that we are able to just log onto our computers and with the click of a button, reply a personal post back to the user. It is an aspect of my job that I love. We also have clients in the Middle East, Europe, and Asia that work different hours than we do. We manage their social pages and often have to work according to their hours when speaking to our point of contact at that specific location. The easy access that exists on social media is extremely convenient and makes our job that much easier. We are also able to respond at a quicker pace than if we were only able to work during office hours. The ability to be available to social media users at all times is an important aspect of social media marketing.