Sunday, September 29, 2013

What Casey Grenet Could Whip Up for The Food Network

Self proclaimed Foodie seeks to spice up your marketing tools
I have created this Pinterest board just for YOU!

My Story
Food is my passion. I love celebrating life with food. What I love most about cooking is creating new and delicious dishes that reflect my own personality. Cooking is a great way to express myself and my personal taste. More importantly, food is a great communicator because it is a unifying bond that we all share. Food brings people together.

Why is food so special? 

How Food Makes Me Feel
Food comforts me when I’m sad, energizes me when I’m tired, and nourishes me when I’m hungry. Above all, food is a celebration of love and life. Sharing a meal with someone is one of the nicest things you can do. Some of the best conversations take place while sharing food with friends and family.

I’m a communicator
Communication is my specialty. I love expressing my feelings about food. Just as creating a culinary masterpiece requires knowledge of what ingredients work well together, communicating a message to an audience requires the right combination of skills, and I possess those skills. I can use the power of social media to build brand loyalty, engage followers, and increase your ROI.

These are my tools
Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram and Flickr are the tools needed to communicate in the world of social media.  They are important ingredients in an effective Integrated Marketing Communication plan. Let me use my passion for food and knowledge of social media to bring a whole new audience to the Food Network.

Contact me for a demonstration of how my skills as a social media professional can take the Food Network to new heights.

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