Monday, September 2, 2013

Classic Marketing versus Social Media Marketing

People Involved: Marketing Department v. Social Media Department

My Experience:
Marketing, public relations, and advertising have changed drastically over the past decade. Ten years ago, advertising and marketing consisted mainly of traditional marketing. Bloggers and social media experts did not exist and were most definitely not considered professionals. Press releases were not uploaded to social media sites, and advertising was not instantaneous like it is in today’s world.  Here is a link to an interesting article that demonstrates how PR and marketing have changed over the past 10 years:

During my senior year at Boston University, I was fortunate enough to attain a PR internship at a luxury hotel in Boston. This was my first real world experience mixing my two passions together, public relations and hospitality. One of the important lessons I learned during this internship was that social media played an important role in public relations. Everything we did had some sort of connection to social media. Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram were all essential tools to the PR and marketing team. The PR department, which consisted of a manager and assistants that worked with social media, promoted packages and events on different social media sites. They were always trying to come up with a new and cutting edge marketing strategy to release on social. Everyone on the team used social media, and they worked together to execute strategies. This opened my eyes to the modern day world of PR and marketing, and I loved every bit of it.

During the second half of my senior year, I accepted an internship at another top-notch hotel in Boston. I was the PR intern. During my time there, I saw a different aspect to PR and marketing.  The PR manager worked alone and her strategy was not as social media based. The marketing and PR strategies and executions were on a much smaller scale. She did not try to use social media to enhance PR and marketing or to appeal to a more social savvy audience.

Now that I am a working professional in the PR and marketing world, I have truly entered the world of modern day marketing. My entire agency is social media based. Everything we do involves social, and we are constantly brainstorming ideas on what else we can do to enhance the world of marketing and PR with social media. All of our clients are ready to jump into the social world and depend on us to use our understanding of social media to interact with customers.

Comparing and Contrasting:
Throughout my different experiences in PR and marketing, I have been able to see companies use both classic and social media marketing. In my own opinion, I prefer the new social way to the classic methods. I think that advertising is evolving into a social media based business. Everyone has access to social media, you can reach large audiences with it, and you can create a personal connection with your target audience by using it. I also think it is more cost effective. Social media is a wonderful tool that should be used to its full capacity. That being said, I think we are in a transitional phase where certain people prefer the use of classic methods, while others have fully jumped onto the new social train. We are also in a time where the younger generation is familiar with the new social way, and the older generation has no idea how to use social media. Those people tend to prefer to find out news and information via newspapers, radio, and ads. Since we are in this transitional phase, I think we can use classic methods and new social media together to keep everyone interested.

Both classic and social media marketing are alike in the sense that they are trying to reach a target audience. Both methods are trying to get a message across and connect with the audience. The difference between the two methods is that the new social media method allows businesses to directly connect with the consumer in real time. In classic marketing, the people in the PR department and agencies are involved in marketing. The consumer is on the receiving end and has a passive role. The social media user is involved in social media marketing. This creates a more personalized experience that can be catered to a specific user just by simply commenting back to a post on Facebook or re-tweeting a tweet. It allows marketers to focus on the interests of the user and promotes brand loyalty.  I also feel that there are so many fun and exciting ways to market on social media such as holding contests or personalizing your brand with user generated content. At my job, one of my clients includes a very well known cafe. Each week we try and use at least one user generated photo to try and create a personalized approach to our marketing strategy and make the user part of the experience.

Which approach do you prefer, classic or the new social media marketing?

Availability: During Work Hours v. Permanent

Another great aspect of social media marketing is the fact that you can do it from anywhere at anytime. In classic marketing, advertising can only be done during office hours. Meetings have to be set up, and reaching a target audience is done on a superficial level on a billboard or in an ad in a newspaper, or with a telephone call. With that kind of marketing, it is difficult to be able to work at home or away from the office.

In the world of social media marketing, reaching your target audience on a personal level with a simple comment or post can be done at any time of the day and at any location. As I stated above, the agency that I work for is social media based. There are many instances where co-workers or myself receive a notification, message, or post that needs to be responded to rather quickly. It is not detrimental if it is not responded to right away, but it adds a personal touch when we respond quickly. It is extremely convenient that we are able to just log onto our computers and with the click of a button, reply a personal post back to the user. It is an aspect of my job that I love. We also have clients in the Middle East, Europe, and Asia that work different hours than we do. We manage their social pages and often have to work according to their hours when speaking to our point of contact at that specific location. The easy access that exists on social media is extremely convenient and makes our job that much easier. We are also able to respond at a quicker pace than if we were only able to work during office hours. The ability to be available to social media users at all times is an important aspect of social media marketing.

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