Monday, November 11, 2013

An Analysis of ABC Company’s Facebook Page

The analytical information available on Facebook Insights provides important information about a company’s Facebook fans and how they are engaging with the content on Facebook. The first page on Facebook Insights provides an overview of ABC Company’s Facebook page for the month of May. The posts on May 22 received a lot of engagement and led to an increase in the number of people that engaged with their Page. During the last week of May, the post on May 29 inviting viewers to join in some event had the highest reach. The company has the potential to reach over 340,000 people, and the number of unique people who liked their page in May was 880, which is an increase of .69%. The post on July 2 had the highest virality of all the posts in that week. During the time period of 4/28/13 to 5/28/13, sixty percent of the people who viewed their content were female, whereas 38% were male, and the majority of those people were between the between the ages of 25 and 44. Most of the people that viewed their posts during this time period live in the US with the majority living in the state of Florida.  Most of the visits to their Facebook page during May came from page views, while a smaller number were unique visitors.  The majority of page views from external sources come from Google.  The majority of fans talking about ABC company’s Facebook page or engaging with their content from 04/28/13 to 05/25/13 were women living in the state of Florida between the ages of 25 and 44. More women than men were engaging with their posts. There are a good number of unique people who saw these posts from their friends’ interaction with this company’s Facebook page. The report from Bronto shows an analysis of email stats sent on May 21, 2013. The conversion rate was 0% and only 25% of those who received the email opened it.

A key finding is that the majority of the people who viewed the content posted for ABC Company in the month of May were between the ages of 24 and 44 with a slight majority being women. The seven day period from May 27 to June 2 had a 50% decrease in engagement compared to the previous 7 day period, but their total weekly reach increased by 39%. Women are creating more stories or engaging more with their posts than male fans. The majority of people viewing their posts on Facebook live in Florida. When their page views spike, so does their number of unique visitors, which means the posts that are engaging their fans are being shared with their friends and are increasing ABC Company’s reach.  From May 27 to June 2, the post that had the greatest percentage of people talking about it to their friends was the one about National Cancer Survivor’s Day. An analysis of the email stats shown on Bronto suggests that not enough people receiving the emails are opening them up or clicking on them, which has resulted in a poor conversion rate.

An important improvement could be analyzing what kind of content is engaging their fans the most and producing more of that kind of content on a regular basis. ABC Company needs to gear their health information towards adults between the ages of 25 and 44 since that age group makes up the majority of the people viewing their content. By focusing on specific health issues that affect and interest men and women in that age group, they might be able to increase engagement.  The post about National Cancer Survivor’s Day was the most viral for the week shown. Focusing on national health awareness campaigns might increase their reach and gain new followers. They do not seem to gain a lot of views from organic reach. The company might need to produce content on other sites that can improve SEO efforts so that more people can find them in Internet searches. They also need to improve their email statistics to get people to open up their emails and more importantly, to click on their content and increase conversions. This company needs to revise how their emails are written so they capture the interest of the receiver and get them to open them. They also need to analyze that content they are sending in their emails and gear that content to interest their target audience.

This company would benefit from having a presence on Google Plus. By producing content on Google Plus, they could improve SEO and hopefully increase organic traffic to their platforms and gain visibility. They should also have a blog site where they could post content on health related issues and give their fans more opportunities for engagement and sharing. Blogs can also help increase SEO.

I think that ABC Company should participate in future campaigns that increase awareness for health issues that affect men and women between the ages of 24 and 44. They can offer health tips and links to articles that provide information on eating right and staying healthy. During the winter months, they can give information on flu shots and avoiding weight gain during the holidays. They can do monthly healthcare awareness campaigns for issues such as skin cancer, melanoma, and diabetes. By getting to know their fans, it’s easier to post content that will interest them. This company might want to change their email campaign to get more people to open their emails and increase conversions.

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